My angel Nyx

Nothing will ever be the same again. Nyx is gone. It all happened so quickly…and Corona didn’t give me a chance to see her again before she left this world. I still can’t believe it. The Striders lost their Hunter… I’ve lost my closest friend, my confidante, my black beauty. Always so lively, so cheerful.. So many adventures together...

The news of her being so seriously sick drained all the power I had to go over another technical issues during the expedition. Guilt, sadness, disbelief...feeling so powerless..

Now she’s gone. I feel so empty. I know she’s there next to us and will always be there...Yet right now it’s so painful… My heart is broken. I try to learn from the other three Striders who are doing a much better job at accepting what cannot be changed… Animals are so much wiser than us, humans… It will take time for tears to dry… 

I love you my Nyx. Miss you so much. Another star in the sky... 🐶😢💔💘

My angel Nyx My angel Nyx Reviewed by Rachel FB - The Striders on April 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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